Mustasa (Mustard greens) salad

Mustasa salad (Mustard greens salad)

Mustasa (Mustard greens) salad
This leafy vegetable is perfect for making both salad and pickle. It’s crisp and appetizing with a dressing.


6 stalks Mustasa (Mustard greens), cut in 1/2 inch (1 1/4 cm) pieces
1 big tomato, seeded and sliced in chunks
1/2 cucumber sliced in chunks

For the dressing
1/2 cup (1 dl) vinegar
3 tbsp fish sauce
juice of 1 lime or lemon, or 5 kalamansi.
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 fresh chilies, thinly sliced
5 drops sesame oil


– Salt the mustasa, mix, and squeeze the juice.
– Add the tomato and cucumber.
– Mix all the ingredients for the dressing.
– Pour the dressing over the salad and toss it.
– Pickle for 20 minutes. Adjust salt, sugar and vinegar to taste.

Tip: If you like you can blanche the mustasa quickly, drain and dip in cold water to maintain the crispiness before cutting it. For a milder dressing, skip the chili. Mustasa salad goes well with Filipino-style grilled baby back ribs.

Cooking time: 15 minutes+20 minutes pickling
Difficulty: Easy
Spiciness: Spicy
Serves: 4 persons

About the author: Sunny